The application is outfitted with a convenient and simple built-in recovery wizard, which will help you restore JPG/JPEG/PNG files, even if you are doing it for the first time and it seems to you that you cannot cope with this task. DiskInternals Uneraser has helped users to recover their data that has disappeared for any reason for more than 15 years. The best way to restore images is with the help of special, professional software. Recover JPG/JPEG/PNG files with DiskInternals Uneraser Perhaps there will not be another chance to do it.
Therefore, be farsighted and restore the JPG/JPEG/PNG images in advance. It is time for more radical methods of correcting the “invalid value for registry” error, which will inevitably lead to damage and loss of all JPG/JPEG/PNG files. Windows 10 users can still use image opening software, but this is not the default photo viewer on the platform. And if the 2 previous methods did not help you, it only confirms that the situation is bad. Windows Photo Viewer (WPV) is the default photo viewer in Windows 8.1, 8 and 7. If this program does not help, try installing and using other image editors such as Picasa, Inkscape, Image Editor, Photoshop, etc., and try changing the file name, but do not touch the extension (change it, only after you make a copy of the file).
It can easily lead to damage and loss of photos. Do not forget that you always have the opportunity to open.
In fact, the “invalid value for registry” error is very serious.
Why should you restore JPG/JPEG/PNG files before taking the next steps?